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Adventurer Joe McCaul visits SHARE

Staff were delighted to welcome the unexpected visit of adventurer and artist Joe McCaul to Share today.

After inspecting his hand-made boat, we filled him up with hot food and snacks and found out about a bit about his journey and told him a bit about Share.

About Joe McCaul

Joe, originally from Belturbet, but a long-time resident of Kinvara, Co. Galway set off from Belleek 5 days ago in his handmade boat with a plan to eventually get to Limerick.

He has no set itinerary, enjoying being off grid for extended periods and just ‘going with the flow’, meeting people and sketching and painting as he goes.

His adventure also has a serious side as he is raising money for the Galway Hospice in memory of his late friend Joe Stewart.

As we pushed him off to restart his journey towards Crom and Belturbet with a few more provisions, Joe pointed out the correct use of the apostrophe on the aptly named “Joes’ boat” in memory of he and his friends shared name and idea for the adventure that sadly only one of them could fulfil.

Follow Joe’s Adventure

You can follow Joe’s progress on Facebook:

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Share Discovery Village was also paid a visit by kids affected by the Chernobyl disaster. Read about their story here: Chernobyl Children Respite Holiday

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