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Big Mabel – Brian’s Experience

Big Mabel is a thrilling, inflatable water activity that is on offer at Share Discovery Village that is suitable for people with disabilities.

With cushioned sides, handle bars and a back rest for stability, Big Mabel is the ideal alternative to banana boating for those who wish to stay out of the water.

Brian’s Experience on Big Mabel

We got our very own Brian Whittendale to test out Big Mabel and here is what he had to say about his experience. Brian is a wheelchair user and he would recommend the experience to any other wheelchair users.

“Alan drove the boat when I was on Big Mabel and it was like I was on a sofa attached by a rope to the speedboat.

I was a little bit nervous at the start because I didn’t know what to expect, but I really enjoyed it!

I went around the lough for an hour with Lauren and Jenny. It was really easy to get in and out of Big Mabel and it started off slow but then sped up.

It’s the next best thing to banana boating, if not better!”

Brian’s Top Tips

  1. Give it a go – it’s great fun!
  2. Bring swim gear, towel and old shoes (maybe a change of clothes).
  3. Hold on tight to the handles.
  4. Wet suits, buoyancy aids and helmets are provided.
  5. Enjoy every minute of it!

How to Book

To book you have to call us on 028 6772 2122 and check availability.

People with disabilities will be given priority booking for this disability-friendly activity in Fermanagh.

Read More:

Read all about Adam’s Camp NI’s residential at Share Discovery Village where they also got to have an amazing experience on Big Mabel: Adam’s Camp NI

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