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A Brief Guide to Climbing for Beginners

It’s important to find ways to stay active. This holds true regardless of whether we’re facing a health crisis: moving around keeps your muscles strong and mind active while also helping stave off stress.

To that end, climbing is a great way to exercise both mind and body in an engaging way.

If you want to start climbing but have never tried it before, this guide to climbing for beginners contains a few tips for you to keep in mind.

Climbing for Beginners – Our Top Tips

Start off on a climbing wall

Climbing is a totally new experience if you’re not used to it, and starting out with rock climbing or climbing a mountain can end up seriously injuring you. We’re big fans of climbing at Share Discovery Village, and trying out a climbing wall is highly recommended for beginners.

In fact, even those who are more experienced can try them too.

These walls have varying difficulty levels, which means it’s perfect for those who want to work on their technique or are prepping for a climbing trip in the near future.

Climbing walls are available all year round as a lot of them are indoors, making them a fantastic indoor activity for children.

Build up your endurance

You’re definitely going to need your endurance for climbing. If you haven’t built up your endurance prior to climbing, don’t worry about it. Just make sure to take it slowly when it’s your first time making your way across the wall.

That said, if you want to make climbing a regular hobby then you might want to consider engaging in activities that help you build your endurance. These activities can be as simple as walking or jogging regularly.

Try climbing from side-to-side first

Starting by moving from side-to-side is a great way to get a feel for the motions of climbing without having to go up too high just yet. This is a technique used by climbing gyms all over the world, with Camp Sandugo in Manila allowing newbies to try climbing at floor level free of charge.

Climbing side to side is still going to work your muscles, but at least you don’t have to worry about conquering your fear of heights just yet.

Moving on a horizontal plane (versus going up and down like you normally would) is also a great brain workout that’ll help you work on controlling your grip.

Rent your gear first

As with almost any sport, climbing can get expensive once you really start getting into it.

This is why Colorado-based lifestyle writer Amelia Arvesen recommends that newbies rent equipment from their gyms or borrow from friends first.

Gear is definitely important — you’ll need both climbing shoes and some chalk to keep your hands stable — but you can invest in such purchases once you know that you want to make this a hobby.

Don’t forget to stretch

Any exercise that you’re trying for the first time is bound to make you feel sore afterwards, so a quick cool-down stretch can help relax your muscles.

Healthline’s list of cool down workouts cites a mix of dynamic activities and static stretches, like a light walk and then some overhead tricep stretches. Stretching down right after your climb helps your muscles kick into recovery mode.

Lots of people are intimidated by climbing, but once you get the hang of it you’re sure to get addicted.

After all, there’s nothing like the pride you get after realising that you’ve climbed up an entire wall by yourself!

Article written for

By Jen Barthy

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