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COVID-19 Statement

COVID-19 Statement from Share Discovery Village

Share Discovery Village takes its responsibilities for the health and safety of its staff and all visitors to our centre very seriously. We are closely monitoring current developments regarding the COVID-19 outbreak and would like to reassure all of our visitors, especially schools and parents of pupils, that we are managing our centre in line with all current advice and guidance.

We are following the most up to date guidance from the Public Health Agency with regard to schools and businesses (see the links below for further details)

We know that many of our visitors have been looking forward to their adventures at Share for some time and we’d like to reassure everyone that we have the following measures in place:

– We have enhanced cleaning regimes and processes in place to reduce the risk of infection so far as reasonably practicable. This includes extra hand sanitiser and deeper cleaning of all areas especially communal areas, such as toilets.

– In line with current the current Public Health advice, we are providing well-placed tissues and bins as part of the Catch it, Kill it, Bin it campaign

– As per our usual policy, individual social areas are being provided to segregate different groups so far as we reasonably can. Different schools are housed in separate accommodation areas to other groups.

– Upon arrival, we are finding out if there are any health issues and giving additional guidance in welcome briefings about personal hygiene and what to do if you develop any symptoms.

– We recommend anybody who has any concerns about their own health or that of any children in their care to seek further advice from NHS 111 as a matter of urgency.

– We are, however, unable to give advice on whether schools should visit or not. This is a decision to be made by the schools after taking advice from the Public Health Agency and the latest Government advice.

– Payments – We are maintaining our normal cancellation policy and groups and schools should seek guidance from their insurance company.


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