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Share Discovery Village: The perfect Winter Residential location for Schools

Winter Residentials

That perfect Winter residential for Schools   Share Discovery Village highlights 6 benefits of Winter

At Share Discovery Village, the safety of our customers and the general public is a priority in the coming months.

As such, we will NOT be re-opening our facilities, activities or accommodation just yet but behind the scenes, we are thoroughly planning on how we can do so safely when the time is right.

We are following government guidelines and best practice from professional bodies including Waterways Ireland and AHOEC, and we are monitoring any changes in policy on a daily basis.

Plans have been put in place to make Share Discovery Village a clean and safe venue to visit once we are able to open our doors again, including the purchasing of safety equipment and PPE gear to keep our staff and visitors safe.

We want to say a huge thank you to all NHS staff and key workers who have done such a magnificent job over the past few months to stop the spread of COVID-19 and save lives. We feel that we could damage the progress made by everyone if we were to open to the public at this moment in time and we want to encourage people to stay at home and keep up the good work.

Thank you to all of our customers for their continued patience and we look forward to welcoming you all back soon.

Safe Activities During Lockdown

In the mean-time, there are lots of outdoor activities to keep you busy while in lockdown. Check out our post on Safe Outdoor Activities while Self-Isolating to help keep you active during this testing time.

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