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Share Discovery Village: The perfect Winter Residential location for Schools

Winter Residentials

That perfect Winter residential for Schools   Share Discovery Village highlights 6 benefits of Winter

On Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th of September, Share Discovery Village hosted RNLI Swim Safe Sessions that were provided to help children in the area learn how to swim safely outdoors.

About RNLI Water Safety Sessions

RNLI, the charity that saves lives in the water, arranged 2 days of free Swim Safe lessons. 4 sessions were held on both days and every one was fully booked out.

The fun, one-hour long sessions taught young people in Fermanagh how to swim safely outdoors and what to do if they, or someone else, get into difficulty in the water.

The sessions were run by qualified swimming instructors and lifeguards, supported by a team of volunteers and gave children:

  • Up to 30 minutes of practical, in-water tuition led by qualified instructors
  • Essential open water safety advice
  • A free Swim Safe goody bag take home

This was the first year that Swim Safe was run in Northern Ireland on inland waters and Share Discovery Village were extremely proud to be chosen as the location as these were hugely beneficial sessions for young people in the area and also our staff.

Read More:

Share Discovery Village also hosted the annual Ulster Canoe Festival in 2019. Read all about the festival here: Ulster Canoe Festival

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