You can now print photo’s from your phone at Share Discovery Village. We recently got a brand new Smart Kioskgifts digital photo printer from our IT Support Provider Affinitas IT which offers fantastic digital photo printing directly from your phone or other device.
About Smart Kioskgifts
You know all those precious photo’s and memories that you have on your phone but you have no way to print them off for a photo album or frame? Well now you can using this handy tool!
The Smart Kioskgifts is located in our reception and anyone can come in and hook their phone or iPad etc. up to it via WiFi, Bluetooth or connection lead.
Not only can the Kiosk access your photo gallery for photos, but it can also print directly from your social media accounts should you have some online that you want to print.
Photo’s can be printed in a variety of sizes and double-sided printing is also an option.
So the next time you visit SHARE and have taken amazing photo’s of your days activities or from your camping trip, be sure to call in to the office and print them out as they are perfect for photo albums and gifts to friends.
More Information
If you want more information about the photo kiosk, feel free to give us a call or drop an email at any time.
Tel: 028 6772 2122
Email: [email protected]