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Share Discovery Village: The perfect Winter Residential location for Schools

Winter Residentials

That perfect Winter residential for Schools   Share Discovery Village highlights 6 benefits of Winter

Share Discovery Village had the honour of hosting the 3rd annual Ulster Canoe Festival from the 6th – 8th of August 2019.

What is the Ulster Canoe Festival?

This hugely successful event was 2 full days of paddling sessions in the presence of some of the top open boat coaches. The aim of the event was to help people hone their paddling skills with the help of the coaches vast experience.

This year it took place in part of the largest inland waterways in Europe, Upper Lough Erne. Share Discovery Village’s facilities right on the shore of the lough were ideal and the perfect location to access several popular rivers.

Skill Sessions

There was a number of skills and coaching sessions on offer at this years Ulster Canoe Festival.

Moving Water Skills

These sessions had lots of tips and playing in the flow.

Journey Skills

Paddling is much more enjoyable if you build up a good arsenal of techniques to enjoy the water. Preparation, efficient paddling, reading the water and other skills all play a part in making every day a good day on the water.

Canoe Sailing

Making the most of a canoe’s versatility, Sailing a canoe can be really simple – using an umbrella as a downwind sail, or you can set up a semi-permanent sailing rig. This session covered theory and practice of Canoe Sailing.

Camp Cooking

This session helped participants up their camp cuisine and move away from the cheese sandwiches!

Camp Craft

Your canoe can carry weeks of camping kit; This session looked at useful skills in and around camp so you can enjoy multi-day trips.

Open Water Sailing

When you are exposed to wide expanses of water – this session taught participants how to read the water and plan your trip. Looking at various factors that will affect your journey and arming your with the tools to have confidence on bigger trips.

Coaches and Leaders

Several top coaches from all around attended this years Ulster Canoe Festival, many who have attended in previous years.

Decades of coaching experience was on show and Share Discovery Villages very own Elaine ‘Shooter’ Alexander was in attendance. Recently back from an epic canoeing trip in the Yukon, Shooter has a wealth of paddling experience to showcase.

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